About the project
Mobilising 5 European partners, FAMOUS (Formation des Acteurs en MOUvement pour la Solidarité) aims to build the power to act of people in precarious situations, users or volunteers of associations by developing a training program for the recognition and development of their skills, activated within the associations.
24 people from this group will be mobilized in France and Romania to co-design these training tools.

Activities implemented
Alongside trainers, researchers and support experts, the co-designers will:
- participate in a survey on the obstacles to integration linked to soft skills and on training needs
- appropriate the concepts, test pedagogical tools
- learn to share their experience with their peers
- co-construct training approaches and tools aimed at better considering, strengthening and mobilizing their skills
A comparative survey report, a glossary and a white paper will make the results of this work public.
FAMOUS should encourage new thinking on how to create pathways to skills development, how to recognize and value informal experiences and associative engagement, how to improve accessibility and increase active participation of people in precarious and vulnerable situations in lifelong learning throughout Europe.

Creating pathways to higher skills, improving accessibility and participation in adult lifelong learning.
The people concerned will be involved throughout the project. They come from very disadvantaged populations, users or even volunteers of associations with a social vocation. Alongside the European partners, these people will participate to the best of their ability in all stages of the project.
From the choice of concepts to the co-design of educational tools and their testing, this participation will encourage the expression and development of talents, individual and collective valorization (complementarity of each other's contributions). Through participatory workshops and the co-authoring of a glossary, these people will be able to appropriate theoretical concepts, gain the necessary awareness and recognize their increased skills. The development of their power to act will promote personal and collective development.
Throughout the process, they will be accompanied in their development of skills that will enable them to access a more traditional integration pathway.
Common values, civic engagement and participation.
The intellectual and technical tools of the participants on the notions of competences will open the doors to civic participation, within the partner associations and beyond.
The duration of this course and the experience of the collective workshops will allow the development of a common culture, as well as the opening to other realities, favorable to civic engagement, by leaving the cultural microcosm.
In addition, the associations will encourage the participation of people in decision-making bodies. Participating in the collection and articulation of argued points of view will give confidence in the ability of each person to say and to hear.
Inclusion and diversity in all areas of education, training, youth and sport
The diversity of the participants (young people, women, the majority of whom are those who are often excluded from the usual training and education systems) enables them to start their integration process among peers, which can help build confidence. Inclusion will also be served by the development of tools in a universal design approach and cultural openness through the European partnership.
Fields of application
FAMOUS creates a synergy between three sectors insofar as the partners come from them: research and education (University of Paris), popular education (association STEA, Secours Populaire Français de Roubaix) and professional training (Coopésia, hosted by the cooperative Boréal innovation). The three approaches will enrich the different stages of the project with theoretical data, contributions from experience and operational recommendations, consolidated by the methodological support of POUR LA SOLIDARITE-PLS.
The joint work carried out with the partners and co-designers will have an impact on each of the three fields:
Formalization and dissemination of the approach through the production and sharing of scientific notes and popularization articles
Recommendations for co-constructing a training scheme with the target audience
Popular education
Training tools for the mobilisation, development, recognition and even certification of skills
FAMOUS refers to experiential training outside the walls, outside the usual expectations of a training course, leaving an important place to the recognition of informal learning in places familiar to people in vulnerable situations.
This approach can be a lever for their (re)integration into education systems or training courses that they tend to desert.
The dissemination of this experiment to other social and solidarity action structures may have a wider impact in the long term on the design and implementation of training courses for such people.
The five partners involved in the FAMOUS project already contribute in their activities to one or more priorities such as the fight against dropping out of school, the inclusion of people with disabilities, the development of transversal skills and the fight against illiteracy, and the training of professionals in innovative practices in the field of employment.
We have therefore decided to pool our experience and expertise to create educational tools for people in very precarious situations, as well as for those working in the field of social support for adults.